Dear brother! Before introducing you to this book, I would like to tell you the reason for writing it first. It is the vast spiritual poverty lying as a black diaper over churches and believers. Not only don’t Christians know their Savior and Lord, but they also don’t step further to get to know Him better. They do not even know that the last months and years before the Second Coming of our Lord on the earth are already running out in the spiritual world. They don’t even know that the Holy Spirit is full of such a Boon today. They don’t even know that today the Holy Spirit is full of such a Blessing and Mercy from the Father, so that for everyone calling on the Name of Jesus, the most important change of heart has come. That change of heart with which we can die for the World and become alive for the Kingdom of Heavens. That change which insists not only mobilization, but also our perfect breaking and submission to God’s will.
When Lord with His Spirit came to my heart to make this prophetic gaze upon the profound God’s secrets for the Honor, the Choice and the Faithfulness, I instinctively made a parallel with the situation when a man wants to cross the border of his country, but he does not have a passport to identify himself. And then I found out that if the worldly-minded man needs a passport to identifies himself to the World, then the Christian needs another kind of passport to be recognized for the Heaven. In the former you’ll see the Caesar’s stamps, i.e. the worldly power, while in the latter God Himself will seal with His Spirit your right to be a part of the Kingdom of Heaven. And if by all means there is a custom next to the border of the worldly country, which does not allow crossing the border without irregular documents, then do you really think that God’s Kingdom would be left without guards to protect and not to allow anyone to enter the Heaven without having a passport? At least remind yourself the parable of Jesus in which the Savior clearly said that the five foolish virgins would come to the door and cried out to God to open it. But He would simply tell them:
“I said the truth: I don’t know you…”
When Jesus says for something that it is true, then God’s words cost more the human ones. Moreover, namely the human adjustment and concept for the Kingdom of Heaven will turn out to be the insidious deception and hidden lie that in the carnal and worldly people’s brains has built high citadels of self-righteousness and a religious self-confidence.
I have given up looking the approval and the consent of such people and I don’t reveal God’s intensions to them. Because they will always have the doctrine answers according to the theology yeast, by which they have been seized. Tell me then, please, is there a point to talk to people who are convinced that they are better informed than you? Is there a point to open the eyes of people who claim that they could see? Of course, there is not. That is why I am telling you again that the words in this book are not for everyone. They will not be accepted by everyone because of a simple reason. The reason is that the Kingdom of Heaven is not created for everyone. And let this truth don’t despair you, but encourage you to grab the diadem of the justice. There is no such power to overcome God’s Sacred Spirit and to withhold Him to confirm and stamp the inhabitants of the Heaven. There is no such power to deny God from His intensions and thoughts of His Heart. The Speech says for our Creator something beautiful:
“The LORD foils the plans of the nations. He thwarts the purposes of the people. But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations…” (Psalm 33:10-11)
You convince yourself, God neither deigns nation intentions nor tribes thoughts, because there is something that stands above the nations and tribes. That is God’s thought about a tribe and a nation. The tribe from Zion and the nation to which Jesus is Lord! The tribe chosen to live in the Heavenly Jerusalem and the nation recorded in God’s Book of Everlasting Life.
For this tribe and for this nation I am going to talk about in this book, because, if they don’t have carnal differences from the rest of the tribes and nations, the tribe of Zion and the nation of God have something in Spirit which others don’t.
And those are the stamps of the Kingdom of Heaven.
When I received a confirmation in my heart that I would write a book about the stamps of the Kingdom of Heaven I was really excited. My heart beat as hard as someone who has just discovered a new world, a world he has never seen. Although hundreds and thousands God’s children have tasted and seen the goodness of the Heavenly Zion, I dare to say that It has been left hidden for many others as the Heavenly experience is not like the worldly one, and the hidden is not like the seen. That’s why Jesus touched my heart and His words came to me. Here is what He said to me:
“Stefan a bit more and I will gather you to be with Me. A bit more and the Light of Zion will be more glamorous then the light of the sun. But in this span My Spirit has a lot of work to do, because many children of Zion have fallen asleep and must be awaken. And when they are awaken – to commit the deeds they have been pointed out by My Father. And you, do you know who are the perfect acts that the Holy Spirit is uploaded with today?”
“Oh, my Lord! The perfect deeds would be the ones that would give us the Heavenly perfection, because your apostles wrote that we are chosen to be participants of God’s nature. And in their messages is said that the good things come from God, and also comes every perfect gift…”
“Remember that today is the time of the perfect gifts. Today is the time when the Heavenly Father will send the gifts of Zion to My Bride. Today is the time when she will put on the bright and clean fine linen. Today is the time when every awaken man will realize that the way from the earth to the Heaven is a way of tearing off the worldly and touching the Heavenly. No doubt that there are thousands of churches on the earth, but there is only One Church in Heaven. There are thousands of pastors on the earth, but there is only One in Heaven. There are thousands of teachers on the earth, but there is only One in Heaven. There are many paths on earth, but the Path to Zion is only one. To understand all this, take a look at the clock that I will show you…”
After the words of Jesus, a big hourglass came up in front of my eyes. The upper part of the hourglass touched the Heavenly dimensions of the Holy Spirit, and the lower part was on the earth. There was a clear distinction between this hourglass and the other ones as the sand grains were leaking upwards in contrary of the gravitation law. When a grain had gone through the tiny channel it was glimmering as a small star which was part of the Heavenly dimensions of the Holy Spirit. Everything in the vision with the hourglass was so beautiful and amazing, because there was a meeting between God’s time and God’s salvation in it. And then Lord said:
“I want you to remember this vision, because I show you here not simply the Salvation, but the signs you all have been warned to watch about. That’s why keep looking at the hourglass as the realization of the signs themselves is about to begin…”
I was looking at the enormous hourglass again, and I then I saw that dark wind was coming from the bottom part of the hourglass, i.e. the place you enter the Salvation from. That wind started blowing away the grains, so that many of them started falling down on the earth from which they had previously been taken. Then I saw other grains turning whiter and whiter while at the same time the ones around them were darkening to become completely black. While the black grains were heading down the white ones were going upwards with such a power that they outstripped hundreds and thousands other grains around them, and fast and categorically entered through the tight opening of the hourglass. Things got clearer in the vision when the sand grains separated in three groups:
White – they were the smallest group, standing in the upper part of the hourglass.
Grey – they were under the white ones and were crumbling by the black wind.
Black – they were at the bottom and were messing with the soil.
And then Lord told me again:
“Look carefully now that from the activity of the dark wind, the gravity starts acting upon the grains. And then those grains for which the worldly was stronger than the Heavenly simply fall on the ground. And so they became as dark as the soil which seized them with its power. Look at the grey ones as well. They, in contrast to the black grains, were staying in God’s hourglass. However their stay was only due to their confession that they are Heavenly, but not by God’s power inside them. Finally, take a look at the white grains. These are those for who the Heaven is more expensive than the earth. They not for a moment were affected by the gravity and when the wind of the darkness blew against them they even fell more in love with Zion and came closer to the narrow channel of the Salvation. Find out how the vision continuous…”
After the wonderful words of Lord who fully explained me the process in the hourglass, I was looking at it again. And then my eyes saw a miracle happening with the hourglass, because the number of the white grains was reducing so fast as they were going through the narrow channel. And then it came the moment when the last white grain went through…
Right in this moment Lord’s Light went up from the hourglass itself and with the Light all saved went up as well. And then above the hourglass a dark cloud showed up from which interiors millions of demons poured on. They were like dark sand poured by a powerful hand. And then the dark sand turned the motion of the hourglass, because the demons enlarged the opening of the hourglass and as they were pouring on through it, they were messing with the gray sand left in the lower half of the hourglass. It came that at the beginning I saw only a God’s hourglass in which the saved were grains traveling upwards and now, at the end of the vision it was a devil hourglass in which the demons were pouring down from the under-sky places from the impious authorities themselves so that the aim of the dark sand was to bring everyone back to earth. Right in this moment Lord stopped the vision. After that He said:
“Do you start understanding why the My Apostle Paul warned everyone about the field of life? Do you start understanding My words in the Gospels where I said the time will be shorten because of the chosen ones?”
“Yes I do, Lord! Now I understand that I must run for the Salvation, because not all virgins are Your Bride. And not everyone who calls himself a Christian testifies that You live in his heart. Thanks to this vision with the hourglass I found out that time would shorten immediately when the last white grain passes through the narrow opening, everything would be over…”
“That’s absolutely right. And that’s why I came to inspire you with this book, because through it the deed of your Lord in the hearts of the Christians will really turn out to be fateful. And the called ones from My Father will definitely be found as white grains which are in a hurry heading upwards while the retreat pulls the majority down. That’s why follow Me and let all who want to be with hearts having the Heavenly stamps of God’s Salvation follow Me as well…”
After the last words my Lord made the vision with the hourglass stopped, and an instant after, lifted by the Holy Spirit Power, I got myself with Him in those Heavenly places where the white grains left forever as light stars of Zion.
I ask Lord to open the eyes of your heart with this book in order to catch the hour of the Heavenly migration!
To be ready for the moment!
Amen and Amen!

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